Welcome to Bo Wei’s webpage

Short bio: Associate Professor@Newcastle(UK), PostDoc@Oxford, PhD@UNSW

Research interests: Edge AI, mobile robotics, IoT security, wireless sensing etc.

Dr Bo Wei has been a senior lecturer (associate professor) in School of Computing at Newcastle University. He was an assistant professor at School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University and a postdoctoral research assistant at Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. He obtained his PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2015 from the University of New South Wales, Australia. His research interests are edge AI, mobile robotics, mobile systems, Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, cyber security and wireless sensor networks. Bo regularly publishes papers in top conferences, such as Ubicomp, IPSN, SenSys, ICRA, IROS as well as IEEE/ACM transactions.

Bo is on the editorial board of Ad Hoc Networks Journal (2021 IF=4.816) and serves as Social Media Chair of CPS-IoT Week 2023. He has also been on technical program committees of more than 16 international conferences, including top-tier conferences, such as IPSN, EWSN, ECAI, MASS, etc. Bo has also been a guest editor of three special issues in Sensors ( impact factor(2023): 3.9) and Applied Sciences (impact factor(2021): 2.474), respectively. Bo was the session chair of BuildSys’20 and IROS’20 as well.

Full publication list: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sm0c2cgAAAAJ

Official University Website: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/computing/staff/profile/bowei.html

Email: bo.wei@newcastle.ac.uk or bowei20222023 at gmail dot com
If you have my other personal email addresses @gmail/outlook, they are also monitored.

Student Recruit

PhD and Visitor Positions are open all year round.
China CSC PhD or visitors are welcome.
Self-funded students (including government-funded and industry-funded) are welcome as well.
Commonwealth scholarship applications can be supported.

Please send your CV and your transcripts to my email. I will get back to you at my earliest convenience.
If you don’t get my reply after three work days, please feel free to send me a reminder.

Professional Services

Editorial board: Ad Hoc Networks Journal (IF=4.816)

Technical program committees of more than 16 international conferences
including top-tier conferences, such as IPSN (2023,2024), EWSN(2022,2023), etc

Organisation: Social Media Chair of CPS-IoT Week 2023
Publication chair WoWMoM 2024


  • 12.2024 Paper about 3D Semantic Segmentation accepted by AAAI 2025 (acceptance rate of 23.4%)!
  • 10.2024 New PhD student Udo starts. Welcome!
  • 08.2024 Paper about key generation using heartbeats obtained from different type of devices has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing!
  • 06.2024 Paper about acoustic signal-based key generation is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking!
  • 04.2024 Paper about WiFi based indoor localisation is accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters!
  • 02.2024 UKRI AI hub, EdgeAI, (~£12m), is approved. Happy to be a Co-PI of this project.
  • 11.2023 Paper accepted by ACM TOSN (Solar panel based key generation) and presented in SenSys 2023!
  • 10.2023 New PhD student Yumin starts. Welcome!
  • 05.2023 Appointed as Deputy Director of Research, School of Computing
  • 02.2023 Paper accepted by IMWUT/Ubicomp (cross-domain WiFi sensing)!
  • 02.2023 Move to Newcastle University, UK, as a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)